Last Minute Confidence Boost - 30 min Guided Self-Coaching Process

Take control of your nervousness and speak with confidence

When we step in front of an audience we want to be in control.

In control of our voice, our breath, our emotions and preferably of our audience as well.

Whereas we cannot really be in control of our audience, we can do something to manage our emotions and the nervousness connected to speaking in front of an audience.

In this Last minute Confidence Boost for Presenting and Public Speaking, I share with you a tried and tested 30 min process that will help you:

  • take control of your emotions
  • eliminate the negative chatter in your head
  • limit the physical effects that stress has on your voice and breath

AND: it will connect you to your joy, positive excitement and pride in not only showing your audience what a competent expert and leader, but also wonderful human being you are.

It is not about how to structure your presentation, although I have added a PDF with some questions to gain more clarity on your presentation or talk as well.

The whole process with my guidance takes about 30 minutes. It consists of 11 questions to ask yourself, reflect and meditate on. You will need a pen and notebook or paper to write on - and 30 minutes of quiet time, where you won't be disturbed. I give you instructions and all you need to do is follow my lead and write down whatever comes to mind as we go through this process.

After completing it, you will be one huge step closer to handling your nerves with conscious care. You will be back in charge in a situation where you seemingly have lost all control.

If you feel like you would need some in-depth guidance in becoming a confident public speaker, feel free to book a 30 minute free discovery call here.

With lots of positive energy,


Your Instructor

Sonja Nannan
Sonja Nannan

I'm Sonja.

I believe that true confidence doesn't come from complying with a fixed vocal standard, but from connecting to your true and authentic voice and letting that resonate with your audience.

I'm a voice and stage presence coach for public speaking, business coach and musician. It is my mission to guide qualified, experienced and talented leaders take control of their authentic voice to increase their impact.

Being based in Brussels, Belgium I have guided my clients and students find their voice and share it with confidence through individual and group coaching since 2012.

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